viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Welcome My Dear Students!

Here you will find the activities and resources that you will work with during our classes.
We will use this blog to develop some topics during the year.
Remember that I can help you with any doubts you could have.

Are you ready to enjoy learning?

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Ready... set... GO!


To begin with answer the following questions:

a. Do you like travelling? Yes, No? Why?
b. Have you ever travelled to any other place within your province? Where?
c. Have you ever been to another country or province?
d. If so, what do you like doing in those places? Mention activities that you can do there.

 Now, look at the following pictures. These are famous places around the world that tourists often visit. These places belong to different continents : America, Europe and Africa.
 Do you recognise any of them? If not, try to predict in which country these places are and give the reasons for your choices.








 Match the pictures (A to F), with the name of the country they are in.

France - England - Egypt - India -Hawaii - Peru


 Choose one option from the pictures above and say why you would choose that place:

a. A place that you would visit in summer.
b. A place you would visit in winter.
c. A place where you would like to live.
d. A place where you would like to go with your friends.


 Now we will leave America, Europe and Africa behind and we will travel to Asia, more specifically to Thailand!

Do you know anything about Thailand?

Before reading the text look at the pictures and  match the activities to the pictures

1. They are catching fish. 
2. They are playing elephant football.
3. They are working in the fields.
4. They are doing a traditional dance.
5. She is planting crops.


 Read the text about life in Thailand and answer the questions below: 

a. What do people do for a living?
b. Do men and women in Thailand have the same jobs? 
c. Do Thai people have the same jobs as people here in San Luis? Mention some differences.
d. Why do you think that tourists like travelling to Thailand?
e. Would you like visiting Thailand? Yes, No? Why?


There are different customs all around the world and that doesn't mean that they are wrong or that we can laugh at them. For example: Here in Argentina when we meet someone we kiss him/ her on the cheek. In other countries doing this is not Ok, but that doesn't mean that what we do in Argentina is wrong.

I. Can you mention other customs that we have here in Argentina?

  • In the following video there are 3 kids at school. A boy and a girl see his classmate touching his mum's feet. It is a common custom in India, but they had never seen anything like that before.
II. Now watch the video and pay attention to the way the student greets his mum and to what their classmates say later. Be ready to do the True or False activity after it: 

a. The boy wearing the green shirt touches his mum's hands and feet. 
b. Touching your mum's and dad's feet is a way of showing respect to parents. 
c. The boy (in the green shirt) is embarrassed for doing that in front of his classmates.
d. The girl and the other boy laugh at him.
e. The girl says it is not correct to laugh at other people's customs.


In this activity you will listen to two girls having a conversation about their plans for the holidays. Listen carefully:


Now answer:

a. Which are Tris's reasons to travel to Kerry ?
b. Does Emma think it is a good idea to visit Kerry?
c. Mention the activities Tris is planning to do there.
d. In the end, is Emma convinced of her friend's holidays in Ireland?

* Which of the activities mentioned in the audio track sound interesting to you?

  • In order to check your answers, here you have a video of the conversation with subtitles.

          Video With Subtitles


For this last activity you will work in groups of 4. You and your classmates work for a travel agency. You have to design a brochure for people to read about San Luis. In class I will show you examples of brochures.
 This brochure should contain:

  • A short description of where San Luis is located.
  • Pictures
  • Activities that tourists can do here.
  • A section about customs. You should give advice to tourists for example: ways of greeting people.
  • Maps
  • Any other information about places to visit in San Luis
Note: You will find interesting and useful web pages in the section Extra Material

After I have checked your brochures I will scan and  upload them on the internet for tourists to read.


Activity 2 Images retrieved from:

Activities 5 and 6 book used:
 Enterprise 2. Coursebook. Evans Virginia & Dooley Jenny. Express Publishing

Activity 7 video